Commodore gets first capsize of the year
Published 19:28 on 7 Apr 2022
The season has started!!!!!!
A few members went up this weekend to get their crafts out on the water, the weather was fine but the water icy cold. There was a brisk wind which strengthened throughout the day and showed that the two sailors with the biggest sails were somewhat out of practice. Anthony our club Commodore however was out first in the morning getting back to grips with his Phantom and managed to bag first capsize of the season. Much discussion at lunchtime decided that he could not win the capsize cup as that was only for capsizes during races. In the afternoon we completed 2 races and the Commodore managed to bag the capsize cup with a well timed start line capsize. Not to be outdone Richard L then capsized 4 times in the next two races giving his EPS sails a thorough washing with a total inversion and rather bracing swim. Great fun was had by all, hope to see more members up in the coming weeks.